Welcome to the Demonstration Only version of Maths Invaders for Apple Macintosh.
You can either copy Maths Invaders & Sample Prefs to your Hard Disk, or run it from the floppy disk.
Double-Click on the Maths Invaders application and when the Maths Invaders Screen appears, you can make your game selections. Then click on "START" to start the self running Demonstration. (Or you can select Select "Run Demonstration" from the File Menu and then press a key to begin).
To see the sample prefs players, Open Settings from the File Menu in Maths Invaders, or Load Maths Invaders by Double Clicking on the Sample Prefs file.
Sorry, there is no player participation in this version although games and skill levels can be selected for demonstration. It can be freely distributed.
Fully operational Dealer Demonstrations are available to Authorised Software Resellers.
Maths Invaders can be purchased from your local Macintosh Software Reseller.
Further enquiries can be directed to the distributors of Maths Invaders: